
Vocaloid DJ Mix - Slow Beats (Ballad/Pop/R&B)

Enjoy 80 minutes of beautiful slow Vocaloid tunes timed to this amazing timelapse video.

No copyright infringement intended.


0:00        | SoundScaper | JimmyThumbP feat Hatsune Miku
3:05        | Last Smile | 鮭P feat Hatsune Miku
7:20        | You and beautiful world | Yuyoyuppe feat. Megurine Luka
11:01      | Last Night, Good Night | livetune feat Hatsune Miku
16:35     | Stay | ZANEEDS feat Hatsune Miku
20:37     | Hana no kawori | AVTechNO! feat. Hatsune Miku
23:53     | Six Steps | 恋竹林 feat Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka
28:18     | Untouched* | (∵)キョトンP feat Hatsune Miku
32:20     | Mr. Wonder | takamatt feat. Miku Append (Dark)
36:03     | You | azuma feat. Hatsune Miku
38:14     | Human (TONKATZ REMIX) | ぽわぽわP feat Hatsune Miku
40:38     | Gemini | Dixie Flatline feat Kagamine Rin/Len
45:31     | White Stars | colate feat Aoki Lapis
49:27     | Pair Young Davah | パイパンP feat Hatsune Miku
51:12     | GOOD MORNING EMMA SYMPSON -the 90's mix- | KTG feat.鈴希
53:26     | Evergreen | KTG feat Aoki Lapis
57:34     | Life in light brown | Kevin Mitsunaga feat Hatsune Miku
59:44     | Hitokoto | AVTechNO! feat Hatsune Miku
1:02:39 | Sometime Somewhere | Tranceformer Yuno feat Hatsune Miku
1:06:53 | Two-step Box | dosankolab. feat Hatsune Miku
1:11:31  | Juvenile (MS70's Mix) | Dixie Flatline feat Kagamine Rin/Len
1:15:49 | The last 8 bars | Yuyoyuppe feat. Miku Append (Sweet)
1:20:01 | Flight Plan (instrumental) | ZANEEDS

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Image from:
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=14394614 (edited)

Palma de Mallorca's Bay 24 Hour Timelapse by Franklin Tello (slowed)


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