
Trick to Memorize How Many Sharps and Flats are in a Scale

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How many Sharps and Flats are in a scale?
In this free lesson, you will learn a trick that will help you remember how many sharps
and flats are in any major scale. Knowing how many sharps and flats are in any scale is
important in order to understand the harmonic structure of a song and therefore important
for memorizing songs very easily. It's also important for your understanding of music and for
your creativity as a composer and as an improviser. I know that a lot of musicians and students are afraid of theory. But-
Theory is not so frightening. As a matter of fact, if you get used to this way of thinking, it is pretty simple.
Knowing the theory will help you when your ears can't help you anymore!
Django Reinhardt didn't know theory at all. But he was a genius and his ears new all the theory in the world and more.
But I'm not a genius, and if you're not a genius either, don't miss this opportunity to learn.
Because knowledge is power! And in music, power is creativity, freedom, feeling, flexibility and more!


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