
五五七二三二〇 2nd シングル『ポンパラ ペコルナ パピヨッタ』

[iTunes JP] http://smarturl.it/a72tq6
[アーティストサイト] http://www.5572320.jp
前作「半世紀優等生」ではギター5人、ドラム3人という変則的な編成で重厚なロックパフォーマンスを披露。 2nd シングル「ポンパラ ペコルナ パピヨッタ」では、コンポーザーに菅野よう子、バックバンドにKenKen(RIZE)、 青山英樹、今堀恒雄を迎えた豪華なバンド編成。合唱という伝統的な歌唱法をベースとしながらも、



For celebrating the 50th anniversary of “Coconut sable”, the band made its debut from Sony Music Labels. On the previous single, “半世紀優等生(Half a Century Honor student) ”, the girls band formed anomalously by 5 guitarists & 3 drummers was performing a dignified style of rock music.
On their 2nd single, ”ポンパラ ペコルナ パピヨッタ(pronounce: “POMPARA PEKOLUNA PAPIYOTTA”)”, Yoko Kanno played a role of the composer inviting magnificent members of KenKen(RIZE), Hideki Aoyama and Tsuneo Imahori as the backing band. While the performance was basically organized as a traditional chorus style, the complete work looked like an experiment with a combination of its hard-rock performance.

Mar.20, 2015: Made its debut

Mar.25, 2015: Released the debut single
[iTunes JP url] https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id9...
[Official web site] http://www.5572320.jp

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