
Johnny Mathis - Once In A While

Johnny does some Doo Wop! Actually this song was written in 1937 and sung by many singers since. In 1960, it was recorded by, The Chimes. In 1989 Johnny Mathis recorded the album by the same name and it was done in the Doo Wop sound of the fifties and early sixties. This sound always had background groups, singing some harmony, in usually deep tones. It became known as the Doo Wop sound because those words (Doo Wop) were sung in the backgrounds of many of the songs. I had a little fun making this one. I have to say. I hope those of you, who are of a certain age, will enjoy it too. Unfortunately, this album isn't available at the present time but may be again, so keep checking online. The song can be purchased on mp3.

Photos: Personal and thanks to Lisa and a few contributions by PLC Desgins.
The theme park is in Coney Island, New York.


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