Michael Jackson - Tabloid junkie music video

The only reason I made this video is because I love his music and his talent but most of all the person he was, kind and so sensitive, you can't write that incredible song and so wonderful lyric and be such a monster as the tabloids always had described him. They have destroyed him for the money. Now it does matter talk about that anymore. We just have to thank him for the gifts he left in this world. I know that people have different way of think and different point of view, I know that everyone is free to say what they think, and I know that what Im doing is not fair, but I deleted and I will delete every single bad comment related to this video. What I want is that all the fans and people that appreciate Michaels life and his work, leave they thoughts to thank and send all the love to him, I dont want any massages to judge or insult him, After all this is my page and this is the video I made for Michael.
Thank you Michael, music doesnt exist without you. Keep singing in the heaven because Im still listening at you
PS: Youtube network is wide and full of videos, dont search the video that dont interest you.

Michael Jackson - Tabloid junkie music video. Created by Luca DG...
He's the best.. nobody like him..


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