
Gift feat.初音ミクDark【オリジナル】+Download

NicoDouga Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21597191
Download: http://piapro.jp/t/FhVZ

Title: Gift

VOCALOID(s): Miku Append (Dark)
Music: ツカダタカシゲ
Mylist: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/20010524
Twitter: https://twitter.com/takashige4315

Lyrics: Gera
Illustration: サカタカサコ
Piapro: http://piapro.jp/sakatammm

*I will not provide an mp3 download unless provided by the producer. All requests will be ignored and people fulfilling those requests will have their comment removed*

~I do not own the video or song. All credit goes to the original creator(s). If, you, the original creator see this reprint and do not like having it reprinted send a message to me via my YouTube account and it will be taken down and none of your other works will be reprinted on this channel~


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