
Copy of The Pregnancy and Birth of the Trama Triplets!!

Please use this link to get to the version that has only staff faces blurred out:
Unfortunately I have had to use YouTube's 'Blur all Faces' tool after a complaint from a staff member at the hospital. I did not know there were staff that did not want to be filmed. Apologies to anyone I have offended. Unfortunately this tool blur's out all faces, including mine - which I did not want to do, but as this means the video can stay online, it must be done.
After birthing my first two children at home, I was planning another home birth...until I found out we were expecting triplets! Still determined to birth them vaginally, I was extremely lucky to have the support of an amazing OB at my local hospital. As long as Baby A's head was down, I went over 33 weeks and I had no other major health problems, we were good to go. I decided to share this in the hope that it inspires others to birth their babies vaginally - whether they be singletons or multiples. It can be done. Trust yourself. Trust your body. We were made for this.


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