[MMD] Hetaloid - Happy Synthesizer (Vargas Brothers)

Yes, for those of you who will ask, this IS Romano & Italy's Hetaloid voices :3
Their version of this song is actually over 6 minutes long so I shortened it to fit the dance motion. I also made the Camera/Lighting/Shadow motion myself :3
Don't you think this stage suits their animal parts so well? It's like a wonderland musical :3 I was bored and decided to use PMD Editor to add on puppy ears and a tail to Romano. I also have another Lovino that I put fox ears and a tail on too (Both the fox and puppy sets were created by MMDFakeWings on Deviantart whose work with PMD Editor I truely admire) . I decided to just add Germany's bunny ears to Feliciano because I thought since hounds hunt rabbits and Romano is always getting mad at Feliciano that it works. Go figure huh? XD


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