
Freebirth, homebirth, unassisted childbirth, natural birth

Post, By @thelanguageofbirth on IG

Birth asks a lot. A fucking lot. It is the realm of life-death; the primal matrices of creation and destruction, where all animated things weave their miraculous and terrifying web. It is a great challenge, a profound force that disintegrates and totally absolves you. This is the big stuff. Crazy huge gigantic stuff. So, naturally, it is given—you will wonder. You will wonder if you were made for this. If you are cut out do to this. If you can make it. If you can survive. You will think and doubt and fall and sink into the hesitation, reservations, into the uncertainty and unease of the unknown. You will be skeptical and wary. You will touch the heat of your most vulnerable edge.

These moments maybe quiet and quick. They maybe loud and all-encompassing. And this is all good Mamas, it is the good work required before going into birth. For moving through birth. Facing the darkness. Courting your anxiety. Learning from your fear. Asking the tough questions. Knowing how to find your still-point, your center. Remembering your resources.

For give space for the times to loose it sisters. Intentionally riotously loose it. To freak out and express your shit and scream and cry and let go into the holy madness that is birth. Into the fucking hugeness of it all. To shout to the heavens and quake in the ground and spin within the confusion. For you will wonder. And you will get through. One way or another, step by step. Moment by moment. Breath by breath. Roar by roar.

Video was taken by me
https://www.languageofbirth.com of the freebirth of one of my dear sisters who brought forth her little Bear cub into the world last spring. No kidding babe was birthed the second the microwave dinged to alert the lavender pillow was heated.


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