
Maiko Fujita Mizufuusen

Song by Maiko Fujita.
We can feel all the emotion in her voice, it's so beautiful...

English lyrics:

The lined up apple candys, the road I walk with you.
Feelings are echoed to the sound of drums.
The water balloon slips through my fingers.
The water that spatters on the ground wets the cuff of the yukata.

It's because of summer, not love,
that make me feel painful.
Time multiplied the brakes and only hurted

my pulled hand, the sound of my heart, the night's wind
While being puzzled, I feel that I want to know more about you

The little warm wind grazes my cheek and go away.
I look up at the sky where the thunder starts to sound.

The clouds go. The summer goes. But still I don't want to go home
You touched me.
I want to ask for the reason but i can't ask you.

I stand with you, silently, at the hill.
Pacing your step to fit mine, your kindness becomes dear, too.

The torn water balloon can't be back.
I know that.

I can't go back either.

Hands were held,
My hair, the touching fingers it's not one else's.
I want it to be your warmth.

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