
Welles' Birth Story

by http://www.TheMcKellars.com A week after Kaylyn and Brad’s wedding last fall, I posted their sneak peek and wondered aloud when they were going to have babies so I could film the birth. Little did anyone know that within a month, they would be expecting a bundled of joy! I was thrilled and honored when they asked me (Vanessa) to make a birth film for them. It has been such a joy to document some major milestones for these two and their families, from their Love Story to their rehearsal dinner to their wedding day, and now building a family together.

I love births. When I was pregnant with my firstborn I watched a million YouTube videos of births, and then we made our own when he was born. When I got the call that Kaylyn was in heavy labor, and I could hear her vocalizing through a contraction in the background, I wanted to cry. Labor and birth is just such an intense experience in every way. I went into total professional mode when little Welles made his debut, and I was able to keep it together. It was only when I watched the footage later that the tears came. I think my favorite part of the whole thing is how Brad unconsciously puts his hand over his heart when he sees Welles for the first time. It’s almost as if his heart will explode with joy and he’s trying to keep it all in.

Many, many blessings on this new, precious family.


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