
【とめもん】 drop pop candy 踊ってみた

I've loved this choreography for a while now, and I've loved the song for even longer~ I knew when I first heard drop pop candy that I'd dance to it and here we are :D
I just really love GigaP's songs (but then again who doesn't..) ^^'

I don't know whether this was my best take, but I like it~ Especially the glow of the sun on the trees as well as the fact that this take is probably the one with the least wind :'D & yes, before anyone comments something like "that weather doesn't look nice" I know xD It was really windy but I don't mind it~

Also, I've never taken any ballet lessons ectect so my spins aren't the best, but I just loved this choreography too much to not dance it!
As always, thank you for watching!
Tomemon x

Choreography reference: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24340251
Original Song: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24029703

Twitter: @thisistomemon


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