
Homebirth, natural birth, unmedicated birth, physiological birth

“My second son was breech, right up until 38 weeks. I had never felt him move anywhere else; he was always feet down- and I knew this from the kicks I received from as early as I could feel them, around 20 weeks.
I ended up seeing a known pregnancy chiropractor who happened to also be very successful in spinning babies.
I believe our baby’s are wise and knowing. And I knew, if my son didn’t end up turning to head down, that there would be a very good reason why- because I trusted in his own deep wisdom.
The night after I was adjusted by my chiro, my pelvis realigned - my son moved to head down.

I went into labour at 42 weeks.
Our labour together was incredibly fast. 3 minutes to be exact, and he was born perfect- with his long cord, wrapped around his neck.
My midwife was so calm, and held the space so professionally and so beautifully.
She never once touched my son on his journey earth side; she gently guided with her clear & confident words.
My whole pregnancy, she nurtured and encouraged my intuition. She trusted my enteral knowing & my energetic connection to my son- and so I never, ever felt worried, as I trusted her & her wisdom wholeheartedly.

The connection & trust between a pregnant woman & her midwife is VITAL.
Women need to be encouraged to listen and to ACT on there natural intuition.
If it doesn’t feel right, in any way- it isn’t.
And my midwife, in both of my home births, has encouraged and trusted in my inner wisdom; my intuition.l- because she knows & deeply respects (as all birthing guides should) that a woman carrying life, is a woman so deeply connected to herself; her body, her deep rooted wisdom- her womanly magic.

I birthed our son, safely and calmly, at our home. His cord was wrapped around his neck. But he was okay. And he was always okay.
His cord, connected to his placenta- his vital life force, was still breathing for him... And it would continue to breath for him until it was cut, or had stopped passing life from me to him.

TRUST in your intuition. The deep, rooted knowings that talk to you through every cell in your magical mind & body.
TRUST in the process of birth- The process that has been enriching women since the beginning of humanity.
TRUST in your midwife- the midwife that you have chosen, based on you wisdom, you intuitive knowings.
It communicates to you so clearly. It will show you when something is not right; even if you have neglected to hear & respond to any intuitive feeling.
Our second son was birthed during our first sons nap time... In which he woke just at the end of this video, when my husband goes to get him and to tell him, he is now a big brother

Mama: @gypsy_niss on IG


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