I believe this artist has their own channel. user/fazerock
If this video gets uploaded to their channel I am asked to take this down, this video will be deleted.
Original Video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19518176
Music / Words : fazerock (http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/22574072)
Homepage: http://fazerock.xii.jp/
Twitter: @fazerock
Artwork: Taiyo Yamamoto (http://deform.in/)
Chorus: 兎眠りおん
You can buy the album, 『s†ory ft.初音ミク』, on JETSET (http://www.jetsetrecords.net/449599 ), Amazon, DiscUnion, and GHzMusicStore.
Karaoke Version: http://piapro.jp/t/f5aY
I own neither the song nor video. All credit goes to the original creators.