
Awesome Video Game Music 226: The Genesis

Welcome back! This new AVGM's a big one; it's the final boss theme of Persona 4 and one of my new favourite boss themes ever (Persona-wise, I like it much more than The Almighty).

This lengthy track is one of those songs that tell the whole conflict right in the very notes: You're facing off with a frighteningly powerful (and downright hideous) God that seems to have the upper hand with its immensely powerful attacks. You hope to end its threat forever, but it only gets stronger and it all seems hopeless; but regardless of how hopeless it seems you fight valiantly to your last breath in the slightest hope of saving the world.

This sense of hopelessness is reflected in the droning and heavy sounds of this boss theme and the scales that seem to always be going lower; there even seems to be less instrumentation as the fight goes on, reflecting the increasing sense of the impending end for your party. It all gets quiet near the end of the track, but then it slowly builds up and suddenly explodes into a triumphant blaze of musical bliss that reflects all that you've fought for over this long, long game.

I love this song. It's orchestrated brilliance as it is, and the last minute of the song is one of the most epic snippets of music I've ever heard. I'm very interested in the Persona series, and I aim to play one of its games somewhere down the road.

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