
Ulver- Hymn I: Of Wolf and Fear

The first track from Norway's prolific experimetal band Ulver's 1996 concept album "Nattens madrigal - Aatte hymne til ulven i manden", translated: "Madrigal of the Night - Eight Hymns to the Wolf in Man". The album is rife with lycantropic themes, each track beginning with "Of Wolf and". Later, the band strayed away from their black and folk metal roots and developed a more ambient/experimental sound.

Ulver is a personal favorite of mine and for good reason: Innovation. No two Ulver albums are alike. In 2000, after releasing the ambient-sounding "William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" in 1998, Ulver had lost virtually all identity with the black metal scene marked by the release of the electronica-toned "Perdition City", very different from this album, but still worth a listen to.

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