
glee - Don't Stop Believin' 〜of Preview & Marking Ver.(予告編&メイキング編)JAPAN

※これは予告編(メイキング)です。本編はこちらをクリック!⇒ http://youtu.be/LLeDCX2ox-g
※When you see "Full version", please click the URL here.⇒ http://youtu.be/LLeDCX2ox-g
Hello, everyone. My name is Fujika.
Our team began such a video moviemaking that makes a parody animation
the dance of the theme tune "Don't Stop Believin' " which flows into
the 1st talk of the TV drama "glee"(FOX) since March, 2010 immediately
after introducing the drama "glee" in Japan.
Since there were withdrawal of the main casts and a great
earthquake(3.11 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami)in the middle of video making, our video photography was in hibernation temporarily.
But because there were strength of the Japanese heart and warm bonds
between persons, when we were continuing video making, without giving
up because of the small number, new friends also joined our video
making team. And we were able to resume photography at last one year and five months after from the pause.
About video camera photography, edit of an animation, etc., since we
were beginners' teams, we have required time for work more than
imagination. However, because we gained experience by trial and error,
we ended video photography with no problems in December, 2011.
Although our work is a parody, it is not simply only an interesting
work. By carrying out a location at places in character with Japan,
such as a temple, a shrine, and a downtown area, we did video
photography of the sceneries including each four season, a kimono,
customs, the historical event, and the festival of Japan.
We strove to make the work which it can be proud of as a
representative of Japan so that we might not lose the team of other
countries which are making the parody and the remake of "Don't Stop
Believin' " of "glee".

Finally, we could make the video work in which many scenes unique to Japan were included!
We created this video, having cooperated in the teams in all the members, having taken a photograph, and enjoying ourselves. We are
very glad if you can also enjoy yourself together, by seeing this
video work ! ⇒(Full Ver.) ⇒ http://youtu.be/LLeDCX2ox-g
(Translated by Kane-gon)
今、世界中に一大センセーションを巻き起こしている海外ドラマ 【glee/ グリー (FOX)】 が日本に上陸した直後の2010年3月、私たちは、glee第1話に流れるパフォーマンスシーン (※gleeテーマ曲 『Don't Stop Believin'』) のパロディ動画の制作を始めました。
世界中の国々のチームが、これを課題曲にしたリメイクやパロディ動画をYou Tube上にアップしていて、それを見て興奮してしまった私‥藤花が (^。^;) 『日本人の大和魂で、私らも参戦しようじゃないの!』 ~って、突拍子もない考えを起こしてしまい(苦笑) 気の合う仲間と共に始動したこのプロジェクト(笑)
メンバーの脱退や、震災の影響などもあって、結果、クランクアップまで‥通算1年9ヶ月もかかってしまったけど、無事に日本人として一番早く!日本代表のgleek として 、私たち日本人ならではのシーンがいっぱい詰まった (JAPAN・NIPPONをテーマにした) パロディ動画を制作&アップすることができましたぁ♪ ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ これは、予告編(メイキング)なので、本編はこちらへどうぞ!⇒http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLeDCX2ox-g

※詳細はブログを読んでね♪ ⇒ http://hanaen.exblog.jp/15245169/


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