
Re-Trick 『Colors of Agenda』 (Picasso )

Re-Trick :次世代ジャズを担う注目のAggressive Jazz Trio Re-Trick(レトリック) 。
クラブ・ジャズ・ファンに訴求しうるスピード感と、オールド・ジャズ・ファン も納得のテクニックとフレージングのセンスで、2008年タワレコJ-JAZZチャート2 位(国内・海外総合5位)、2009年10月リリース新作「Evidence」は発売から間も なくタワーレコードJAZZウィークリーチャート2位にランクイン。

Re-Trick is the hottest Jazz trio which will lead the future of Jazz music.
They generate very tight and powerful sounds based on various background such as
Funk, Club, and Rock. Here is their debut album 'Colors of Agenda'.

'Colors of Agenda' has their street live atmosphere perfectly.
Their performances grab the audience's heart strongly, and when they play 1 or 2 songs,
more than 50 copies CDs are sold.
The breathtaking speedy performances arrest Club Jazz listeners' attention, and the
techniques and melody phrases attract Old Jazz fans. Re-Trick is the only band
which will go beyond the limits of Jazz.


Re-Trick Management office "Extension"

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