
Homebirth, physiological birth, natural birth, undisturbed birth

Your provider can either be the person who normalizes the process of birth, or the person who keeps you fearful and in a state of panic.

“What do I do?”
“Just wait for the next contraction. Everything is okay.”
Restore Midwifery says:
“Birth Undisturbed.

Birth happens. Tissues stretch, bodies soften, the uterus does its vital job. Babies rotate, finding their way through the pelvis, pushing off with their feet. Cords, if tangled, can be gently unwrapped.

Gravity is on our side; Evolution is on our side.

We need to unlearn the idea that birth is dangerous. We must retrain our society to trust birthing people and to trust babies to be born.

Yes, sometimes interventions are needed, and we are grateful to have them. But mostly, birth unfolds perfectly, just like this.”



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