
「Sit! Stay! Wait! Down! / Love Story」 / Namie Amuro

Namie Amuro Official facebook 「arigatou」FREE DOWNLOAD!!
Facebook URL:http://www.facebook.com/NamieAmuroOfficial

Mobile DL:http://recochoku.jp/amuronamie/
Official HP:http://www.avexnet.or.jp/amuro/

12/7発売の両A面シングル『Sit! Stay! Wait! Down! / Love Story』。M①「Sit! Stay! Wait! Down!」はT.Kura & michicoによる、安室奈美恵らしいユニークなダンスナンバーでフジテレビ系月9ドラマ「私が恋愛できない理由」劇中使用曲として話題。そしてM②「Love Story」は同ドラマ主題歌の強くてせつない大人のバラードという、異色な2曲を収録する両A面シングル!
この2曲でレコチョク週間ランキングで"史上初"の両A面シングルでの1位2位独占という快挙を成し遂げる。さらに今年の全国アリーナツアー『namie amuro LIVE STYLE 2011』で披露しているアゲアゲナンバーM③「Higher」。同じくツアーで披露され、コーセーESPRIQUE TVCMでもアカペラ披露されているM④『arigatou』を収録し、全4曲7ver.収録決定!
<CD+DVD>には「Love Story」ミュージックビデオも収録。

Double-A-Side Single: "Sit! Stay! Wait! Down!/Love Story" ON SALE! December 7, 2011
The new CD single features the two A-side singles "Sit! Stay! Wait! Down!" & "Love Story" coupled with "Higher", "arigatou" and 3 instrumental tracks. Track 1: "Sit! Stay! Wait! Down!" is a dance song written by T.Kura & michico with Namie's name written all over it. The single is featured in Fuji TV's popular Monday night prime time 9PM drama "Watashiga Rennai Dekinai Riyu (The Reason I Can't Find My Love)".
Track 2: "Love Story" a compellingly sentimental love song that was chosen as the theme song for the popular TV drama.     The two songs ranked No.1 & No.2 on Recochoku's Weekly Rankings - A "First" in the history of Recochoku's rankings for a Double-A-Side single.
Track 3: "Higher" is a dynamically upbeat song that Namie has been singing throughout her 『namie amuro LIVE STYLE 2011』 Japan arena tour. Track 4: "arigatou" is a thoughtfully piercing song that is sung "a cappella" by Namie, currently the theme song of KOSE's ESPRIQUE TV commercial.
Tracks 5 ~ 7: Instrumental CD+DVD version also includes the "Love Story" music video.

<Upcoming Releases>
2011/12/7 NEW SINGLE『Sit!Stay!Wait!Down! / Love Story』ON SALE!!

2011/12/21 LIVE DVD&Blu-ray『namie amuro LIVE STYLE 2011』ON SALE!!

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