
Free birth of baby number four!

I love birth centers and would have done it again but the closest one in this state was 2hrs away and my last birth center was an hour away and I got there at 9cm and ready to push hahaha! As exciting as giving birth outside sounded it was Dec. 30th so I decided to birth at home, and with midwives not covered by insurance and costing $8000 I decided to do it on my own aka Freebirth. I’m so glad I did and plan to do it this way again if I have another (final) baby
I was in labor for two days. Not just tummy pain! I mean hard core contractions that had me hunched over in pain unable to move and focusing on breathing. So by the time my water broke I was exhausted and so tired!! My body and mind needed a rest and it hadn’t even begun. This was my hardest birth, babies head was jammed in there for 40min and finally figured out how to get him out. Push hold technique. I auctioned babies nose just to make sure there was no water in him and it was all clear. He weighed 8.15 oz 21in long. We did a lotus birth and cord detached from baby 3 days later which was faster than my other son. We didn’t know gender and honestly I forgot to even check till after camera was off haha. I was expecting a girl! Haha

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