Bastian's Birth - Part 3

Bastian James was bornfree 11/20/2007 at 4:29am. He weighed 10.95 lbs and was nearly 23 inches long. Though I had the support of a large community of friends, Bastian's birth was unassisted by medical professionals - no doctor, midwife, or doula was present at his birth. I did my own prenatal care and prepared by educating myself and reading positive birth stories.

This was my third birth and my first homebirth. I wouldn't have had it any other way! I only wish I'd stayed home for all three. Yes, it was painful. I wanted to show what it was really like. It was really hard, yes, but it was amazing. I did it! Really, all I did was trust my body to do it's job. That's all. It's both no big deal and pretty remarkable, I guess.

One night in November, friends came over and I had a baby. We sat around afterwards and talked and ate together...and oh my goodness, did I feel loved!


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