Роды дома, домашние роды (Часть 2)

WARNING: this video contains nudity, and explicit scenes of normal, spontaneous birth at home. Please don't watch if you feel this might offend you. We have posted this video not to titillate or to shock, but so that other families can see the normalcy and beauty of birth. Respectful comments only, please. For more information, please visit www.bauhauswife.ca.

At 8pm, Mum woke up with a birth sensation that felt a little bit different, after 4 weeks of fairly intense practice birth. She was a bit grumpy throughout the birth process, but had an amazing (and rambunctious) crew consisting of big brother and sister, Dad, and a friend who had never before attended a birth. This is Mum's 5th homebirth, and 3rd unassisted birth (first two babies were born in the presence of a traditional birth attendant). Felix Alexander Clark was born at 10pm.


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