
Complete User Registration system using PHP and MySQL database

Source code: https://goo.gl/qrFQmV

Email verification on localhost PHP and MySQL database: https://goo.gl/PqLP6B

In this video, I go through the whole process of creating a user, logging them in and allowing them to also log out.

In the previous login videos I have on this channel, there were some loopholes like when a user enters the index.php on the url without having logged in, it still takes them to the home page. But that is not secure.
This new video checks that and makes sure it automatically redirects any request to the login page when it finds out that the user isn't logged in.

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{ B O O T C A M P S }

- - The Web Developer Bootcamp: http://bit.ly/2NpDcKR

- - The Complete Web Developer in 2018: Zero to Mastery: http://bit.ly/2N0ZW4F

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- - PHP for Beginners - Become a PHP Master - CMS Project: http://bit.ly/2u5QMIw

- - Create a REAL Social Network like Facebook in PHP + MySQL: http://bit.ly/2wUv3om

- - PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel: http://bit.ly/2QcbeRf

- - PHP OOP - Understand Object Oriented Programming in PHP: http://bit.ly/2CysNs3

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- - Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3: http://bit.ly/2wSybRs

- - Complete Python Masterclass: http://bit.ly/2oNWfQW

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- - Modern JavaScript From The Beginning: http://bit.ly/2wUHdwD

- - The Complete JavaScript Course 2018: Build Real Projects!: http://bit.ly/2wUlZ1L

- - Modern React with Redux: http://bit.ly/2QcWBx0

- - MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js: http://bit.ly/2CAaeDY


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