
【IA】 In a World Where You Lived (あなたが生きた、この世界で) 【Song Reprint】

It's another IA song from Islet! Honestly, it's kind of weird to listen to an accoustic song from them, but holy hell, this is one beautiful song. I've been really enjoying it for the past few weeks, I hope you guys are liking it too!

Funny thing about the illustration. Ever since I decided to create a video of the song, I already have an idea of the artwork I want to use for it (yes, it's this illustration). It's IA with a guitar and it has a sombre mood. It's perfect. It's only when I actually tried to find the original source that I realized the illustration is drawn by c.c.R., which is the actual artist that Islet use for all their songs. Wow, talk about coincidence.

This song is track #10 on Islet's first album, and the whole album available digitally on iTunes! So make sure to get it there if you like it.

And don't forget to check out Islet's other works, they're all awesome:
- Trimelay and Lobed Flowers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz5C7k1yZeQ)
- Summer Afterglow and Shadow Silhoutte (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZTXvfFcqYM)
- Leia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31-9NffnNAU)

Music: Islet
Illustration: c.c.R

Illustration taken from https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52677213

Disclaimer: I simply put the song and the illustration together. Credits for the song and the illustration go their original creators.

-- Uploaded to Youtube by Synth


Home » プレイリスト » Youtube » 【IA】 In a World Where You Lived (あなたが生きた、この世界で) 【Song Reprint】