
2015 Eight Trigrams as DNA Language by Ancient Deities 八卦・古代創造主によるDNA言語byはやし浩司Hiroshi Hayashi, Japan

Humans were created by Aliens, whom we call “Gods” and Gods’ DNA Language
According to one of the ancient legends in China, Nüwa, also known as Nügua, is a goddess in ancient Chinese mythology, best known for creating mankind and repairing the pillar of heaven.
Today’s story is about Zecharia Sitchin and his book, which was given to me by Ms. K.M, for which I thank her very much.
According to one of the books, written by Z. Sitchin, I , Hiroshi Hayashi, understand, that his key ideas are based on the assumption that ancient myths are not myths but historical and scientific texts.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

For example, according to Sitchin, ancient Sumerian clay tablets reveal that gods from another planet or Nibiru, which orbits our Sun every 3,600 years, arrived on Earth some 450,000 years ago and created humans by genetic engineering of female apes.

I, Hiroshi Hayashi, would like to say that it is not an assumption any more but a fact.+Nuwa and Fuxi
Origin of Human-beings, Enki vs. Enlil(人間の起源、エンキとエンリル)+旧約聖書、新約聖書のYahweh(El Shadai)は、Enliliだった(シッチン説)。DNA Language, left by Aliens(エイリアンが残したDNA言語)
人間は第10惑星からのエイリアンによって、遺伝子操作により創られた。その証拠と証明。Humans were created by Space Aliens from the 10th Planet. Here is a story and its Evidence and Proof.
遠い昔、エイリアンは、人間にDNA言語を教えた。それが現在は、八卦になっている。その謎に迫ってみた。Long time ago in China, Aliens tried tto teach Humans the DNA Language, but now it is known as a “Fortune telling”. I try to solve the mystery of the Language.
Today’s story is about us, human-beings.
We were created by Aliens whom we may call call with Gene Manipulation and here is the evidence to prove my theory.
Fu Xi is a culture hero in Chinese legend and mythology, credited along with his sister Nü Wa with creating humanity and the invention of hunting, fishing and cooking as well as the Cangjie system of writing Chinese characters ca. 12,000 BCE.
Fu Xi was counted as the first of the Three Sovereigns at the beginning of the Chinese dynastic period.
Fu Xi and Nü Wa are said to be creatures that have faces of human and bodies of snakes.
Fu Xi was known as the "original human", although technically speaking he was not a human and he was also said to be was born on the lower-middle reaches of the Yellow River in a place called Chengji.


These are based upon Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to reproduce its content for any purpose without my permission and my name.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep. 06th, 2016+Dec. 09th, 2015 (Sep.13th, 2015)

We have another history, hidden behind secret, which has been warped since the beginning days of the humans' history.


Home » プレイリスト » Youtube » 2015 Eight Trigrams as DNA Language by Ancient Deities 八卦・古代創造主によるDNA言語byはやし浩司Hiroshi Hayashi, Japan