
" In Her Room " - CGI 3d Animated Painting, CG Art

check our vids for kids in 3d playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXYx4Y96ZrjTjjpzpnJUnanX83Jzd8_iH

Visit http://www.visionlore.com our site dedicated to 3d, VFX and programing. you can download some free tools and software there as well....

To skip Intro go to 0:20
watch it on Vimeo in Much Better quality without youtube pixelation

Nudity here is about her beauty.. the skin.. the flesh.. nothing else :-)
for cheap trick it was little too much work - another of my atmosphere 3d painting videos.. This time from Her room... Music by Portishead which i do not own copyright to.... Some technical and other notes for those who are interested.
Animated CGI short movie from Her room. Built in 3ds max 2013 and rendered with mental ray. Scene lights are photometric producing soft shadows. Final gather and indirect illumination for each shot took around 8 hours to compute while rendering of every camera took around 25 - 33 hours on i7 4 gigs computer. anti aliasing is mostly 1/16 to 4/16 however after compression to H264.. i lost some contrast.. and as i tested it on samples youtube made it pixelated and looking like crap.. so this version is encoded with quicktime jpeg2000 to overall size of the file about 700 MB which is pretty high for one minute CGI animation but at least i know that any loss of smooth quality of original is not a mistake on my part.. rather on part of youtube... Compositing and a lot of tricks here were done in post production in After Effects.

Whole idea for this is to work in same fashion as painting would only thanks to the power of 3d animation... we can get inside her room and watch and peek around corners which normal painting wouldn´t allow us. Yet again. inspired heavily by fine arts especially my favourite artist Johanes Vermeer. However.. paintings that exist in the scene are from painters of pre-raphaelite era from Everet-Millais, Dante-Gabriel Rossetii.. You can see Proserpine as well as lady of Shallot and my favourite Ophelia from Everet-Millais which i plan on recreating in 3d as well... Downside of such project is that i assume it would take us three here at AAron Production - Visionlore round about 3 to 5 years.. of course.. it could be possible quicker if we get a sponsor and we could totally commit 14 hours of every day to it :-)

I used drawings from different authors for the mirror reflections as well as some of mine.. those who i knew were listed those i don´t hopefully accept my apology for using their work. in those short flashes.. this video is not monetized and i have to gain from it.. it´s just merely an art project for sake of arts so fair use intended....


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