
RYTHEM: Natsu MERO (夏メロ) WIP [re-up]

EDIT: Uploaded again to see if saving to another setting will increase audio quality


Download (HQ): http://www.mediafire.com/?mxky2otycnk

Gonna be doing a duet of this song with cleanykurin, who's going to do the second part. For the moment, we're having problems with the script file so it'll be a while til she's able to work on it.

I was growing impatient (I was honestly infatuated with this song, which recording quickly remedied lol) so I decided to practice my part. Without kurin's part though, it just sounded.. empty. So I filled in for her in my own WIP, though I missed one big part at the end.

Complaints/things-that-irk-me in this version (it's a Work-In-Progress afterall):

-the main parts sound too soft, overshadowed by the harmonics (I forgot to reduce the volume for those, oops)
-the end was clipped off, a selection problem that I didn't address til... after I exported as an mp3 and closed out of the project (laughs at own stupidity - ALWAYS SAVE UR FILES KIDS)
-harmonics are off in some parts
-off-timed at some parts
-NEED PRACTICE with some parts (I sound so unstable at times... /attempting to correct it)
-ALSO... saved on an older XP... wouldn't let me choose the format for the vid, so I didn't realize how much of the quality was being slaughtered. D: DOWNLOAD from above to listen to the BETTER version (will not disappoint as much as this one)

/end rant

Anyways, another new mic. Attached to my headset, as always (the old one, it wouldn't record no mores...). Compared to the old one, though, this was 4x as expensive. :O /hopes this one will last longer

Constructive criticism appreciated!


Home » プレイリスト » Youtube » RYTHEM: Natsu MERO (夏メロ) WIP [re-up]