Hey - Skylar Stecker Original

It’s finally out! Hope you guys like it! Remember to always be yourself! You are unique and perfect just the way you are so NEVER be afraid to just say "Hey!" Thank you to my amazing cast, crew, and band who helped bring my song to life! Thank you to TalkboyTv for the amazing video, to The Performers Academy for casting, to my amazing band members (Will Wu, Fabian Egger, Kurtis Keber, and Clif Johnson) for being soooo awesome, and a huge thank you to the lead actors Christian Felt(boy), Julia Hamilton (tennis girl), Genneya Walton(picnic girl), Larson Thompson(school girl), and Ester Lee(teacher) for being so great to work with! And last but certain not least to my sweet doggies Sasha and Stetson for being the stars of the show!
Thanks again for watching, sharing, and commenting! I am SOOOOO grateful for your support of me and my music!


Click here to purchase "Hey" on itunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/hey...

Video production: TalkboyTv website: www.talkboytv.com
Casting: The Performers Academy website: www.performersacademy.net
Producer: The Heavyweights Twitter account: @ThaHeavyweights
Make up/ Hair: DGR www.DGReps.com (Make up: Phoebe Dawson / Hair: Carina Tafulu)
Christian Felt(main boy): Instagram: @christianfelt
Julia Hamilton(tennis girl): Instagram: @Juliahamilton
Genneya Walton(Picnic girl): Instagram: @Genneyawalton
Larsen Thompson(School girl): Instagram: @Larsenthompson

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