
Cristóbal de Morales: Parce Mihi Domine [without that bloody saxophone]

Morales' Parce Mihi Domine, performed by the Monteverdi Choir under John Eliot Gardiner.

Text (from the book of Job):
Parce mihi, Domine, nihil enim sunt dies mei. Quid est homo, quia magnificas eum? Aut quid apponis erga eum cor tuum? Visitas eum diluculo et subito probas illum. Usquequo non parcis mihi, nec dimittis me, ut glutiam salivam meam? Peccavi, quid faciam tibi, o custos hominum? Quare posuisti me contrarium tibi, et factus sum mihimetispsi gravis? Cur non tollis peccatum meum, et quare non aufers iniquitatem meam? Ecce, nunc in pulvere dormiam, et si mane me quaesieris, non subsistam

English translation:
Spare me, Lord, for my days are as nothing.
What is Man, that you should make so much of us?
Or why should you set your heart upon us?
You visit us at dawn,
and put us to the test at any moment.
Will you not spare me and let me be,
while I swallow my saliva?
If I have sinned, how have I hurt you,
O guardian of mankind?
Why have you set me up as your target,
so that I am now a burden to myself?
Why do you not forgive my sin
and why do you not take away my guilt?
Behold, I shall now lie down in the dust:
if you come looking for me I shall have ceased to exist.


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