
藤井フミヤ - TRUE LOVE(@香港1996) TRUE LOVE by Fumiya Fujii in Hong Kong in 1996

A performance in Hong Kong in late 1996 --- It was a holiday season in Hong Kong just before the historical event, i.e. the transfer of sovereignty from the UK to the PRC on 1 July 1997. The people in Hong Kong, which had been enjoying its prosperity as a free port after the WWII in spite of its special status as a British colony, had mixed feelings about the return to the PRC which is governed by the Communist Party of China. In fact, it is said that many people had migrated from Hong Kong to other places such as Vancouver, Canada as they felt pessimistic about the future of Hong Kong after the return. History is unforeseenable, however. The Chinese economic reform, which had been started by Deng Xiaoping in late 1970s, was beginning to produce fruits after some bumps and detours, and China was actually shifting to the socialist market economy under the regime of socialism with Chinese characteristics. China's entry into the WTO in 2001 has made China's position as a major trading country solid, and Hong Kong has been enjoying its status as a Special Administrative Region of PRC up until now. This video was taken on 26 December 1996 in Hong Kong, where "fin-de-siecle" feelings occupied the hearts of the people many of whom were not able to anticipate the development of the new history afterward as described above. (Notes added on 10 December 2011)

1996年末の香港でのパフォーマンス ー 1997年7月1日の中国への香港返還という歴史的イベントを控えてのホリデー・シーズンの香港。第二次大戦後、英国植民地という特殊な地位にありながら自由な貿易港として繁栄してきた香港の人々は、中国共産党が政権を担う中華人民共和国への返還を複雑な気持ちで迎えていた。実際、返還後の香港の将来を悲観してカナダのバンクーバーなどに移民していった香港の人々も多いと言う。しかしながら歴史の流れというのは不思議なもので、実際には中国は1970年代末に鄧小平によって舵が切られた改革開放政策が紆余曲折を経ながらも実を結びつつあり、中国の特色ある社会主義たる社会主義市場経済への移行が進みつつあった。2001年のWTO加盟により中国は貿易大国としての地位を括弧たるものとし、香港もまたその中国の特別行政区としての恩恵を大きく受けて現在に至る。このビデオは、そうした新たな歴史が展開することを多くの人々がまだ予想できずにいた、世紀末的な空気が漂流する1996年12月26日の香港で撮影されたものである。(2011年12月10日追記)

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