
世情 中島美雪

去年一位朋友把他下載的一些 youtube 音樂短片與我分享,其中包括這首我很喜歡的《世情》。近日因為以色列再次濫炸巴勒斯坦,我想把這歌分享給更多朋友,卻發現原本的影片已經被 youbute 刪除,便把它再次上載。由於不知道最初是誰把這些畫面配上這首歌,所以現在我也無法註明出處,只能說明一下,這不是我的創作。謝謝所有為這短片出過力的人,願和平早日降臨地球。

I did not make this MV. Someone else made it and uploaded it on youtube but I don't know his/her name. My friend downloaded it and sent to me last year. I like it very much. Because what is happening in Gaza now, I wanted to share this MV with my friends but found it was deleted by youbute. So I uploaded it again for more people to see. My sincere gratitude to the person(s) who made it. Wish peace come to earth soon.

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