
35 Weeks Pregnant: Know Your Baby's Position at 35 Week Pregnancy

During 35 week of pregnancy your baby drop down to the pelvic area and settles there. See the video to get the details about 35 weeks pregnant.

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If you want to experiences a healthier, happier and beautiful pregnancy week.

From conception to birth, take a unique look on fetal development during the 9 months of pregnancy. Discover how your baby grows and what happens to your body during the whole pregnancy week.

Video Transcription:

Hey expectant mothers!

- Welcome to 35th week of your pregnancy
- At this point your baby drops down to the pelvic area and settles there. And this process is known as lightening
- As your little one settle deeper in your pelvis, this reduces pressure on your rib cage, allowing you more room to expand your diaphragm, but now there may be more pressure on your bladder
- Your baby's height is 18.19 inches and he weighs 5.25 pounds
- By this time your little ones lungs are almost fully developed
- Your baby's pupils now dilate in reaction to light approaching the mother's tummy
- The baby also practices sucking action at this stage, an activity that helps the baby prepare its feeding habits
- By this time the pair of kidneys is fully developed and the liver too is starting to excrete some of the body's waste products
- Your little ones brain is also developing and his/her brain weight increases by almost ten times and by age 12, that same brain will be more than three times the size it was at birth
- As your baby's uterine confines get tighter, her/his movements will feel less like individual kicks and more like slithers and rolls
- Don't be surprised if the contours of your tummy change from time to time it's just your baby's shifting position

Check back next week to know more about your baby's development only on ConsumerHealthDigest.com. Till then take care of yourself.

Thank you so much for watching!
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