Un-Censored Hands Off Vaginal Birth

In most cases women do not need anyone to “deliver” the baby.

Just think, all this time, the mother and baby work extremely hard to birth, and yet, someone else gets praise for “delivering” the baby. It’s ludicrous at best.

Hands-off birthing is rarely seen because we have been conditioned to believe that birth will not happen without someone there controlling the process, manipulating it and intervening without a real necessity.

One of the biggest lies and disservice that we have ever told women is that they are incapable of birthing on their own.

The woman enters pregnancy and she immediately is fearful and wonders how she will birth her baby and often will wonder who will get the baby out. Because she literally has been conditioned to think the baby will not come out on its own. She won’t even see herself and her baby as the main components to birth. She sees herself as the carrier and the provider is the person who will get the baby out.

Making women feel this way ensures that the mother will play by the rules, follow orders, agrees to countless interventions, and allow the birth to be a huge and dangerous medical process.

The truth is this.
The maternal healthcare system will not thrive if you believe in yourself and your baby. It will not thrive if you know that YOU are the one will birth and your baby will guide you. It’s that simple.

Imagine how different women would feel and birth if they were told the truth. The truth being, that birth is a normal process that rarely needs intervention. Birth usually only needs for the providers to sit on their hands and just watch.

VideoCred: Dra. Angela Andrade


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