
Twist and Shout - Top Notes 1961 (Rare original version)

This is the very first rare recording of Twist and Shout done by a new rising Philadelphia R & B band in 1961, the Top Notes on Atlantic Records. This was produced at the time by up-coming staff producer Phil Spector. Spector was previously known before that as a singer with the group "The Teddy Bears" and their smash hit of 1958 "To Know Him Is To Love Him". However, when songwriter Bert Berns (aka Bert Russell) heard the final mix, he told Spector that he had "messed up the song" and predicted a quick demise for the single. The Beatles were mostly inspired by the Isley Brothers cover done a year later in 1962 (which by the way was produced this time by Bert Berns himself by revenge to Spector's butchered version) but still it's interesting to hear how the original differs from the Isley Brothers and then the famous Beatles version. I put into that some rare early Beatles photos. Enjoy! Cheers!! :)

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