
Aero's Birth Video

This is the home birth of Aero Vale! He is my second baby, and second home birth. I am also a home birth midwife myself. I love reflecting back on his birth and the way it felt, because it was so different than my daughter's birth. The confidence a person gains after having a successful first birth is no joke (especially my 68 hour first labor and birth which you can read about here - https://indiebirth.org/the-birth-of-celosia-pearl/ and watch it here - https://indiebirth.org/celosias-birth-video-short-version/).

I also think that Aero's personality impacted the way it all unfolded. It felt really earthy and steady the whole time. It was definitely not a romantic birth (get ready for some swearing) - it felt like I was just getting a job done, but still in a lovely sacred way. The most dramatic part was that I was laboring while Maryn (my friend and midwife) was in flight to join me here in Minnesota!!! Aero waited for her of course, and I am so, so, so glad.

Anyways, you can read way more about it here - https://indiebirth.org/when-aero-was-born/

and listen to a podcast version of the birth story here - https://indiebirth.org/margos-second-birth-maryn-and-margo-share-aeros-birth-story/

And now you can WATCH the birth here!!!

There is more footage that I'm sure we will eventually put out from my active labor and the hour after birth, so look forward to that at some point.

Learn more about Indie Birth at www.indiebirth.org


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