Best of Coldplay

1. 00:00 Life in Technicolor
2. 02:24 In My Place
3. 06:03 Magic
4. 10:37 Lost!
5. 14:23 Paradise
6. 18:49 Charlie Brown
7. 23:23 Fix You
8. 28:05 The Scientist
9. 33:02 True Love
10. 36:58 Clocks
11. 41:52 Midnight
12. 46:35 Talk
13. 51:35 Yellow
14. 55:53 Trouble
15. 1:00:13 Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
16. 1:04:04 Speed of Sound
17. 1:08:42 Viva La Vida
18. 1:12:32 A Message
19. 1:17:07 A Sky Full of Stars
20. 1:21:24 Violet Hill
21. 1:24:59 Strawberry Swing
22. 1:28:54 Princess of China
23. 1:32:45 Til Kingdom Come
24. 1:36:54 Lost (Acoustic Version)
25. 1:40:33 O

I basically made a list of my own favorite songs by them. So I'm sorry if your fav song isn't on it. Just enjoy =) Even though, I guess I missed couple a good songs.


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