sabrina fka jaime and Junos Vaginal birth after 3 C-sections vba3c

I had my vaginal birth after 3 C-sections!!! Captions in video says I had the urge to push but I didn't. I had an epidural so couldn't feel. I tear at 9:50 so look away if your queezy. Only the first few mins are dark.

I was planning a Home birth and although I ended up going in after I labored at home for about 18 hours (painful labor), her head tilted awkward and I could no longer bare the pain ( tried all the natural comfort measures first) so I had them take me in for pain relief which I didn't want to do but it was that or another c-section (I learned a huge lesson not to judge other women who get pain relief, shame on me and I think it was meant to be that that hospital witness this and I did share before how I fantasized about hospital birth so I could tell them a thing or two and I did have to put up a little fight cause they tried to pressure me to c section me but our vitals were great and no reason to. Failure 2 progress or going to slow was not a valid reason but I got to rest overnight which I needed because I was up for almost 2 days already from when my water broke at 11pm the 17th and then in the morning (july 19th, her due date and new moon) I was dilated to 10 and with first set of pushes we could see her head (they held mirror for me) and 1hr and a half later she was out. It actually was the easiest part of the whole thing and I made history in Duluth MN and paved the way for women. (my friend also had a bag birth after 2cs a few weeks later at same hospital and she said staff was more relaxed because of my experience and I hope it transforms the OBGYN and hospitals into VBAMC friendly ) and I have a healthy baby girl, Juno. We went home after 24 hours and the whole birth minus the pain relief was all natural, Doc handed her right to me, skin to skin, I rubbed her and suctioned her, delayed cord clamp, placenta deliver itself, no shots, eye goop, vit K or PKU. She stayed on me the whole time and her first diaper was cloth and I wore her in a sling to car!!! But I DID IT!!! After 3 c-sections I had a vaginal birth!!!! YOU CAN TO. INFORM YOURSELF TO CONFIDENCE. Find my group on Facebook called "AWESOME HBAC, VBAC, V/HBAMC, UBAC, FBAC SUPPORT GROUP "and look over all the resources with evidence and research and learn your true hospital rights and above all realize that c-sections cause detrimental damage to mom and baby psychologically, biologically in addition to physically and unless the monitors say a legit life saving emergency makes it necessary to do c-section then do not allow a doctor to convince u there is a reason u won't be able to birth your baby from your vajayjay cause they have quite a few reasons it will be better for Them to schedule one and not at all caring about what is in your best interest. A true doctor is one who puts your needs above their own. Watch "The Business of Being Born"


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