[HD to not stop this feeling ♥]
A lot of people asked me to do a video like my Ego one for Feeling and Monster.. But most probably I won't do one for Monster. Cause no matter what I do... I won't ever reach the awesomeness of the original! XD Therefore...here we go with Feeling :D (I might do one for Still Alive tho... or Bingeul Bingeul...idk yet XD)
I'm not really used to the Korean version yet tbh cause I listened to the Japanese one sooo much! hahaha But I love it tho :)
I originally started this just a bit after I had uploaded my Ego MV... but school didn't give me the time I needed ; ~ ; but now I'm on vacation. And yesterday the Korean version released. Therefore... I JUST HAD TO FINISH IT!!! XDD It's simpler than the Ego MV... just because I wanted it to be more... like.. uhm... MV-ish... if you know what I mean XD I mean.. like... just like a normal MV idk how to describe XDDDD (OTL)
Even tho I didn't use many effect I think it turned out cool. Yup. I like what I did there. hahaha :'D...
Also, should I make Korean version of my Ego MV?
Lyrics here: http://forever-gdragon.com/2012/06/03/misctranslation-big-bang-feeling-korean-version/
P.S.: might delete it again... copyright stuff