Kraan - Prime Klima

Next to EMBRYO, KRAAN are among those German groups who include psychedelic, sometimes ethnic elements to their distinctive, innovative jazz rock. At the beginning of their career, started in 1970, KRAAN free form jazz rock was really into jam sessions, totally improvised, mainly instrumental (featuring sax sections and many guitar / bass solos). Their self title album was experimented with ethnic, psychedelic / acid tastes and discreet electronic manipulations. Since their debut album and with their two following "Wintrup", "Andy Nogger" the band has demonstrated with interest, dynamism and humour how can we make fusion / jazz with addition of influences from everywhere. Really imaginative, inspired and technical these albums provide something new and amazing: an absolute trippy ethnic jazz rock. This particular facet of the KRAAN music culminates with their masterwork "Live" (1975). After this outstanding release the band's career falls into various forms of jazz rock style, relatively progressive but not as stimulating as their previous efforts.

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