
シュガーヒルギャング/The Sugarhill Gang/ Rapper_s Delight -

ニュージャージー出身のメンバーたちが、シックの「Good Times」のベースラインを用いて、スーパーマンやテーブルの上のまずい食べ物について語ったおかしなリリックでラップした15分のすてきなトラック「Rapper's Delight」。このトラックは史上初のラップ・レコードでも最高のトラックでもないが、パーティーのオープニングにはこれ以上ないくらいもってこいだ。このトラックに続く本作の残りを、雑踏の騒音を詰めこんでごまかすこともできなくはなかったが、シュガーヒル・ギャングには他にもパーティージャムのヒット曲が数多くあり、なかでも耳について離れない「Apache」と「8th Wonder」はすばらしい。そうしたトラックとともに、ヒット曲ではないが楽しいトラックや、フューリアス・ファイブと共演した「Showdown」が本作には登場する。彼らが何を言っているかはたいして重要ではない。重要なのは、彼らが現実に人々を動かし、今でもヒップホップ界最高のエンターテイナーであることだ。

The Sugarhill Gang is an American hip hop group, known mostly for its 1979 hit "Rapper's Delight," the first hip hop single to become a Top 40 hit. The song uses an interpolation of the instrumental track from the classic hit "Good Times" by Chic as its foundation.The members, all from Englewood, New Jersey (S. Robinson, H. Jackson, M. Wright, and G. O'Brien), called themselves Wonder Mike, Big Bank Hank, and Master Gee. The three were assembled into a group by producer Sylvia Robinson, who also founded Sugar Hill Records (1790 Broadway NY, NY), along with her husband, the record mogul Joe Robinson.[2] "Rapper's Delight" used a track cut from a Sugar Hill house band called Positive Force with Chip Shearin on bass and Brian Morgan on guitar. The track interpolated "Good Times" by Chic. Big Bank Hank's verses were written by Grandmaster Caz. However, despite the record's success, Caz did not receive any royalties for his contribution.[3] Chic's Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards filed a lawsuit for copyright infringement over "Rapper's Delight," the first of many such legal battles for hip hop. It was settled out of court, leaving Rodgers with a large cut of all future royalties.The Sugarhill Gang never again topped the charts, though it had a few minor hits, such as "Apache," Eighth Wonder" (which was performed on the American music show Soul Train in 1981), "Rapper's Reprise (Jam Jam)," and "Showdown" (with the Furious Five). In 1999, the trio reunited and recorded Jump on It! a hip hop children's album. The group continue to tour.Bob Sinclar collaborated with Wonder Mike and Master Gee on his 2009 release "Lala Song". The Sugarhill Gang is also known as the Original Sugar.

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