
クレージーモンキー笑拳 クレージー・モンキー

クレージーモンキー笑拳 オリジナル・サウンドトラック

Crazy monkey .....

Where did you ever learn to move around like that
You must have muscles in your toes

You're the strangest thing this town has ever seen
You must have got muscles in your nose

Ha-ha ha-ha-ha look at me Ha-ha ha-ha-ha what's to see
Ha-ha crazy monkey Ha-ha crazy monkey

Watch it when I'm in town
Cause I'm the meanest monkey around
Call me
Any time you're in need
And I will straighten out your troubles indeed

Crazy monkey .....

It's a wonder that they haven't got you yet
What with the way you play around

Now I'm warning you, you better watch your step
When the bad guys come to town

Ha-ha ha-ha-ha look at you Ha-ha ha-ha-ha what's to do
Ha-ha crazy monkey Ha-ha crazy monley


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