
Martin's birth

Natural Water Birth at Home in New York City! With midwives Carol Shipman and Kate Prendergast http://www.njmidwife.com/
Knowledge of acupressure, Yoga and Hypnobirthing techniques! With doula Gillian Foreman who studied Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth! Practically pain-free beautiful birth! It's a call to all women to understand that birth is a natural process and it is not supposed to be unbearably painful! go to www.birthologie.com and take a fantastic, I would even say, the best childbirth class ever!!!! -it's the place where I started my discoveries after seeing an awful hospital birth... I was SURE that there is another way! And definitely there IS!!! Prenatal Yoga is great too! I would recommend 3 DVD's by Rocki-you can find on amazon.com, it not only prepares you for easy labor, but also helps your partners to learn how they can help you in labor. Mothers-to-be don't just blindly trust doctors or any other person, do YOUR research and find the best for you!!! Please take http://www.birthologie.com/ childbirth class!!! And to have pain-free labor read Hypnobirthing : the Mongan Method!
There was a Golden hour with my baby right after the birth but I didn't want to post it here. More about Golden Hour you can learn here: http://yourbirthchoice.com/article/The%20Golden%20Hour.pdf


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