


Naomi was sleeping in this hospital room until a while ago
Naomi was living in this hospital room until a while ago
She finished her long long battle with an incurable disease
I wonder where she is, and what she's doing now.

Opening the bedside table drawer
A yellow notebook... Naomi's diary...
Sorry, please forgive your uncouth brother
When I opened the notebook, my sister's small words came flying out at me...

"Today, Yumiko and Erika came to visit me
So we laughed so, so much. My stomach still hurts.
I felt bad when I looked at their sun-tanned faces
Because even though it's summer, I'm still so pale!
Lights out. I don't wanna sleep. How can I sleep!
It's only 9. Weird ~ Japanese health care.

Those days before Naomi went bald,
She loved to laugh
Unfortunately, it's useless..Your brother is useless.
My sister's tiny words on the last page are shaky and I can't read them at all.

"Why do I, have to have this disease?
Why do I, have to die?
Maybe it's some kind of punishment. But what kind of
punishment do you call this?
Maybe it's because I was friends with a bully, back in
elementary school...
I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die.
Even though I haven't lived yet at all."

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