【Maika】 Happy Days【Original Song】

Original upload date: May 17, 2017

oh edgy..........

fun fact about this one! so creep had asked me to draw in a rubberhose style for his song "don't touch me", and i ended up having more fun with the style than i thought i would, so i decided to draw with it again for another video - that being this one! so there's your lil factoid for the day


iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/thanks-to-you-song/1369713499

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7jR9LLmvyGevD3hgWa8geY

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Ghost_and_Pals_Thanks_to_You_Song?id=Bvwi5ipzeapibsli5adpaehg6vy

you can find my social media, patreon, etc. websites i'm on here: https://www.ghostandpals.com/


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