
"Heavenly Blue" Aldnoah Zero Opening [PIANO COVER]

Sorry for the head bobbing lol.

So! Aldnoah Zero, one of my favorites this season (second only to Zankyou no Terror). The tight pacing has kept me on my seat and always looking forward to the next episode wondering what will happen next. Episode 8 though... ;_;

After this, I will be arranging the Aldnoah Zero's ED2 - "aLIEz" later this week. I SAY FRYYYYYEEEEYYYYY

I was a bit unsatisfied with the microphones this time though. I moved it a little bit forward, and this had a more "dry" sound, making the awesome bass note jumps less powerful sounding - I hit them very hard, even the piano is shaking, but it doesn't sound like it in the video. I'll make sure to adjust it for the next upload~

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Piano arrangement by Tehishter

Original song:
-Composed and arranged by Yuki Kajiura
-English Lyrics translated by Thaerin

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