
Tribute to my (14) Favorite Girls of Gundam SEED/Destiny


Well, I usually really don't like to make these things because you never know which girls the tribute is including. I would like to say all their names, but I can't fit it in. I also think that most people don't know about one quarter of these girls.

I do not want any arguements about which girls are better or any 'why wasn't a certain girl in this?' It's because I don't like her, to be blunt. I simply don't find her interesting, or didn't get alot out of her character. These are the girls I like, and we may have some in common and we may have some who are not. Instead of arguing about why I did not have a girl in my tribute, why not put her in one of your own? It's alot more pointful and constructive than getting angry about why I do not have a girl you like in a tribute I made. Please don't do this.

The quality actually came out very well in certain pictures, and horrible quality in others for some odd reason. O_o;;

Anyways, unto the girls in no specific order.

Cagalli Yula Attha, Lunamaria Hawke, Meer Campbell, Shiho Hahnenfuss, Murrue Ramius, Hilda Haken, Erica Simmons, Miriallia Haww, Lacus Clyne, Meyrin Hawke, Asagi, Juri, and I believe the red ahired girl's name is Mayura, please correct me if I am wrong. There's also a little bit of Fllay, if you squint.

I tried to keep the pictures cute and colorful just to suit the theme. I hope I did okay! This is only my fifth slideshow and I'm re-using pictures already. This scares me!

Artist:Nami Tamaki

I do not own the song, the images or the anime.

I really would like constructive critism on this please!

I hope you enjoy even if your favorite character isn't in it! ^^;^^;


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