

An English translation is "Dr4gondice".
Thank you,"D4gondice". Tack "Dr4gondice" :-)

Martin, a fixers man.
Finally home with a drill in his hand.
He rise a pavilion he bet on the tile (?)
With head screwed on the right way he hits the roof

Tina, she feeds herself calm
She likes to tickle the buttons on her heated-owen
Makes whiskers and ladles here theres dipp for thousends
Use your finger it does the trick

Ohh You take care of things with your own hands
ohh When you do as they on tv does
Then you will see that life gets a new rush
Try thier nice tricks
Ohh when you head forward and does everything on your own
Ohh when you let loose your fantasy
Theres nothing to be ashamed of
Your nighbour probably does the same thing
Rise up your fists and give it all you got
You will see that it will work

Bosse, he stroke his chrome
When he playes doctor with his Amazon
He oils his gearbox, he is a cool(Smart) one
Nice hooters, show the "muffen" (Se below what it means)

Ernst, his thought is nice
To shake life into a slack(loose) (Slaknad, se below to get the correct idea of this word)
He fix and pull and se if he gets one up
Now he warbles at the summercroft
he warbles on the croft...

Ohh You take care of things with your own hands
ohh When you do as they on tv does
Then you will see that life gets a new rush
Try thier nice tricks
Ohh when you head forward and does everything on your own
Ohh when you let loose your fantasy
Theres nothing to be ashamed of
Your nighbour probably does the same thing
Rise up your fists and give it all you got
You will see that it will work
You will see that it will work

NOTE: Diffrent Words and thier meaning:
- Onani = Maturbation
- Går = Works (in this case "Works", can also mean "Walk"
- Pular = I translated it to "Fix" / Again no english or swedish tranlation. example. "Im "pular" with the luggage"
So its almost like you fix something, "What are you doing?" "Im just "messing" around with some things"
- Pålar = translated (Pull) / The best i can come up with.. is when a builder strikes down poles into the ground to stable ex. a building
or a fence. Sorry but dont know the correct word to use in the sentence he sings (YES ITS A HE not a SHE lol)

Dirty ones.. This song is all about having fun towards some of the Swedish TV celebs (and its funny) so dont flame me
for being a perv.. im just the tranlator T_T
- Muffen = There isnt either a English or a Swedish tranlation for this word.. Swedish people tend to use it
for another name for the females Vagina. (in a funny sentence where HE is making fun of HER)
- slak / Slaknad = It can be used in various sentences.. in this case a loose cabel (in a male perspective, southwards =O)
So when the singer sings
"Shake life into.. "slaknad ruin".. HINT: (A males thingy down south)


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