
The Unassisted Home Birth of Sweet River Grace

I am so excited to share the video of River's birth! I am so grateful to have captured these memories, it all happened so fast! I napped for an hour, woke up, ate 1/2 a sandwich, had 6 contractions and my broke! there was NO water in the tub, so while Brandon, Denise, and Tatum filled the tub as fast as they could, with all water sources close (including the garden hose from the back yard) my mom prayed over me as I tried my hardest NOT to let River come out. As soon as I got in the tub I had 3 contractions and she was born. It was exactly 20 minutes from the time my water broke to the time River took her first breath of air. I cannot share how amazing the whole home birth experiance was. The day didn't go as i had planned, with half the people that i was planning on being there not making it, it was nothing i hoped for but so perfect-- i wouldn't change a thing about it! #homebirth #waterbirth #homebirth #unassistedbirth video by lunch pail pictures https://www.facebook.com/lunchpailpictures/ Modern Burlap Homebirth Waterbirth International Sacred Journey Midwifery​ Midwifery Today​ #rainbowbaby #godissogood


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