
Swaying in labor - read below

Rather than sit or lie down this mother has chosen to sway in labor. This swaying action encourages the pelvis to open wider allowing gravity to help the baby move through the pelvis. This is the advanced stage of active labor. Notice she is standing on a towel as her water had just broken. After the last segment of this video the mother moved into the birth pool where she birthed her 8 lb.,10 oz. baby 10 minutes later.
She drank coconut water throughout her labor.

Please do not compare how she's laboring with how you may labor. There is no one right way to labor. Each woman has her own style and answers to what calls her to do and to be and to feel in her labor.

I wanted to share particularly, the way the mother moves during her contractions. It is slow, it is rhythmic, it is hypnotizing, it is graceful, it is what is helping her to cope with each contraction.

This woman is a very lively gal but becomes so quiet in this part of her labor. The birth pool is located behind her, under the fan in their family room. Her husband arranged the music which played continuously.

Notice that she is not fighting the contractions but rather is flowing as serenely as she can with them, like a surfer riding waves. It is hard to tell just when she is experiencing one or not as she stays in the rhythm of them. She is unaware of all the action around her. Her endorphins are flowing. She is truly birthing like a mammal. Our bodies really do work!



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